United Nations
The United Nations aims to protect international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations and achieve international cooperation. It is the largest international organisation in the world. As member of the International Catholic Centre for Cooperation with UNESCO (CCIC), FAFCE is represented to the UNESCO (Paris) and to the Vienna NGO Committee of the Family (Vienna).
Antoine Renard: Individual “rights” endanger 1948 Declaration of Human Rights
FAFCE president Antoine Renard was interviewed by the Austrian Catholic Press Agency: The human rights ideal born out of the catastrophe of World War II only aimed at fostering the rights of a person, in order that the state
Press release | African & European voices united: Yes to safe deliveries, No to abortion!
Brussels, 28 February 2017 Following the reinstatement of the so called Mexico City Policy by the United States, the funding of organisations providing abortion services abroad, such as the International Planned Parenthood Federation, Marie Stopes International and the United Nations Population
Stakes for the Post-2015 Global Development Agenda
Marguerite A. Peeters* Original title, in French: Enjeux de l’Agenda de Développement Mondial de l’Après-2015, Liberté politique n. 67, Paris, Autumn 2015 (www.libertepolitique.fr). FAFCE thanks the Author and the Publisher for giving the authorisation for its online publication and translation, realised by FAFCE Volunteers.
Family and Global Development: a clash of conceptions on human rights
At the twenty-ninth session of the Human Rights Council of the UN that took place in Geneva between 15 June and 3 July, a resolution on the "Protection of the Family" (A/HRC/29/L.25) was adopted (29 votes in favour, 14 against and
Press Release | 15 May 2015 – International Day of Families – The Family at the centre of the Common Good
Brussels, 15 May 2015Friday 15 May is the International Day of Families, proclaimed for the first time by the United Nations General Assembly in 1993. A year ago, a few days ahead of the European Elections, we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of