Project Description
Christian Families – Light of the Orient
The non-profit NRO „Christian Families – Light of the Orient“ was founded in 2007. The main objective of the organisation is the renewal and proliferation of family values, all-round help and promotion for families with many and/or adopted children, single parents, disadvantaged families, contribution to the union of families on the basis of Christianity and Christian love.
The principal objectives of their activities are the following:
Contribution to the implementation of the national programmes for families;
Coordination of the activities of social initiatives in the field of cultivating the values of the family and of a healthy lifestyle
Studies on the state of the families in the area, creation of an information pool on disadvantaged families
Social, educational, psychological and other aides for families
Presentation of the measures linked to the social and legal protection of different categories of families
Preparation of young people for marriage
Social assistance for women to prevent abortions
Preparation of groupings for the work with families, contribution to the proliferation of modern Ukrainian and foreign working methods in the field of socio-psychological support of the families and for the education of children so that they can form and develop harmonious marital relations.
Contribution to the realisation of scientific projects pertaining to the family
Jaroslaviv Val-street 9, office 7, Kyjiv Ukraine
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