Project Description

Foro de la Familia-Internacional

The Spanish Family Forum (Foro Español de la Familia) is an Association of Family Associations which exist throughout Spain. It was formed on 23 July 1999 in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) when the representatives of several hundred different family and other associations signed a manifesto to set up a non-confessional national family platform which would bring together the largest possible number of family organizations. From the date of foundation, one of its stated aims has been to establish links with other family associations of a similar nature throughout the world.
At the present time, Forum has over 5000 member associations, grouped into 117 federations, 19 confederations and other entities, which can be estimated to represent over 4 million Spanish families.

  • Forum’s aims may be summarized as follows:
  • to promote and defend the essential values of the person and the family and to facilitate intercommunication and meetings between organizations and individuals to this end.
  • to research into the problems affecting the present-day family and to generate solutions which will strengthen the family unit.
  • to interact with the institutions and organisms which are responsible for family policy.

Paseo de la Castellana 203, 1D Madrid 28046 Spain
Phone: +34 915 105 140
Fax: +34 915 105 139

Newsletter d’été de la FAFCE

juillet 26th, 2024|0 Comments

Le 26 juillet 2024 Chers amis, Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons la fête des saints Anne et Joachim, les parents de la Vierge Marie. En conséquence, ce dimanche est la Journée mondiale des grands-parents et des personnes