New logo to celebrate the 25th anniversary of FAFCE
Brussels, 27th of June 2022
On the 10th of June, FAFCE celebrated its 25th anniversary with the conference Celebrating the Beauty of the Family and a private audience with Pope Francis. On this occasion a new logo was presented to reflect the new vigour for the next 25 years. Simple and effective, it conveys the professionalism that permeates our bureau work, while maintaining a visual continuity with our previous visual identity.

FAFCE was founded in 1997 and has since grown to encompass as many as 32 members in 19 European countries. As reiterated by the pope, its “double mission is to represent the voices of catholic families in Europe and to help the creation of family associations throughout the continent”.
You can help us in our mission by becoming one of our FAFCE donors!