Project Description

Familienbund der Katholiken

The Familienbund der Katholiken (FDK) is a politically independent, denominational family association that fights for the strengthening and support of family rights and their basic conditions on a national and international level. The Familienbund works as contact and lobbyist for all families and is engaged in the representation and coordination of family concerns in church, state, society and politics. The Familienbund works for families on all political levels as well as within the church. The Familienbund der Katholiken has been founded in 1953 in Würzburg. In the federal association members are the diocesan and regional associations as well as its member associations. Individual memberships like families or groups of families usually exist within the diocesan associations.

Littenstraße 108, D-10179 Berlin Germany
Phone: +49 (0)30 3267560
Fax: +49 (0)30 32675620

Newsletter d’été de la FAFCE

juillet 26th, 2024|0 Comments

Le 26 juillet 2024 Chers amis, Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons la fête des saints Anne et Joachim, les parents de la Vierge Marie. En conséquence, ce dimanche est la Journée mondiale des grands-parents et des personnes