Project Description

Katholischer Familienverband Südtirol

The Katholische Familienverband Südtirol (KFS) with its 16,000 member families is the biggest politically independent and Christian-socialist special interest group for all families in South Tyrol. More than 1,000 volunteers have been working country-wide for over 42 years in more than 120 local agencies for the benefit of families. We fight for the social recognition of families, for family-friendly living conditions, for financial justice, for the reconciliation of family life and work, for the representation of family interests in all crucial political and social bodies and we look after and support families who are in distress through no fault of their own. We achieve this amongst others through initiatives and activities in the field of family education, family pastoral care, family allowance, family policy and family recreational events.

Wangergasse 29 Bozen 39100 Italy
Phone: +39 0471974778
Fax: +39 0471973823

Newsletter d’été de la FAFCE

juillet 26th, 2024|0 Comments

Le 26 juillet 2024 Chers amis, Aujourd'hui, nous célébrons la fête des saints Anne et Joachim, les parents de la Vierge Marie. En conséquence, ce dimanche est la Journée mondiale des grands-parents et des personnes