Project Description
Hnutie Kresťanských Rodín na Slovensku (HKRS)
The CFM in the Slovak Republic was founded in 1969 by the married couple Vladimír and Maria Ďurikovič. In 1990 it was registered with the Ministry of Justice as a Civil Counsel. The spiritual leaders of CFM are Cardinal J.CH. Korec and the Slovak Bishop Conference. It works throughout Slovakia. The main object of the Movement is to help creating good social and spiritual conditions, developing good relationships and raising the educational level for married couples and families. In this context several weekend FIRES programs play a significant role: the Original Marriage Encounter; the Marriage Retorno; the Son and Daughter Encounter; the Engaged Encounter; the Family Encounter, etc. The vacation exchange programme for Slovak and foreign children and the preparation of family trips in summer and in winter are very attractive for the participants. CFM organizes educational courses for animators, coordinators of FIRES programs, Family Communities and other CFM programs. It organises marriage and family seminars, conferences and general family reunions. With respect to edition work CFM publishes books for married couples, families, children and for single adults. The periodical FAMILY COMMUNITY followed by the periodical FAMILY were continuously published from the year 1985. They have a great importance for the formation of family policy, its opinion and spirituality. The several years of cooperation with the FAFCE and the International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM) have had a fundamental influence on good family relations and the formation of family policy in Slovakia.
Francisciho 3 Bratislava 81108 Slovakia
Phone: +421 (0)244461896
Fax: +421 (0)244461896
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